Tuesday, July 8, 2014


So a funny thing happened to me on the way home today. I decided I wanted to take a couple of photos of this Jesus statue in the cemetery near my house. I drove through the cemetery and found there was a pond in the cemetery on the way to the statue. As I was driving closer to the pond, I noticed some ducks and geese in the pond. What a great photo op! Well as soon as I get out of the car to take the photo, the ducks rush towards me and start squawking!

They are like "give me some food or die!" So I slowly take photos as I walk back to my car. (As you can see below) Now they have surrounded my car and I can't drive forward without killing one of them. Well a little toot of my car horn and backing up and going around them I made it to my destination.

Below the ducks are photos that I was trying to get in the first place before I had a run in with them!

1 comment:

  1. nice statue funny story about your photo op
