Saturday, July 26, 2014

Bad Dog!

So Poptart over past 7 months has been a relativively good dog while we aren't home. She has a penned off area at home that she is allow in. Well the last couple of days when Dana has come home, she has found a way to get out of the pen and get to the rest of the house. Has it been a problem? No. Has she messed up something in the house while out? I don't think so. However it's not safe that she is roaming around. Well today we come home after being out in the morning and she has gotten out & torn up a bag that had repair tools in it. Nails, screws, attachments, etc were all over the floor and the bag was torn up! Did she eat any of them? I have no idea. Have they torn up her stomach lining? I don't know! All I can say is her "freedom" is over. Time to screw the pen to the walls. 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry this happened...PT is feeling her Cheerios...glad she didn't or hope she didn't eat any of that stuff. So much for that innocent looking face! ha ha
