Thursday, June 12, 2014

Two Creams, Two Sugars

I love cream in my coffee! It has to be flavored! Who drinks their coffee black? These little creamers are very hard to come by at work. Sometimes I have to go to a different floor to get them. 

I guess several people love their coffee with flavor.

Monday, June 9, 2014

It's time!

Today things change for the future of gaming!! E3 is here!!! Last year was exciting because it was the announcement of Playstation 4 and XBOX One! Today and this week will all be about the games!!

I'm so excited! Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to me! Empty my wallet now!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Painting a house - Garage doors

When you own a home there is always something that needs updating. Hopefully they aren't real major issues such as pipe work or electrical work or repairing a roof from a storm. Actually we had to have our roof repaired a few years back because it had shingles that fell off and it was an older roof.

Today's project was to paint the garage doors. The doors weren't in that bad of a shape that we needed to replace them entirely but they did need updating.

First we sanded them down to loose up any paint chips and bad spots. Then we just used exterior white paint to update them. In the photos below, the door on the left was the before photo and the door on the right is the after photo.

Looks really good, yes? No we are not for hire.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Graduation Day!!

She graduated!! I'm so proud of her! After 6 weeks of training she did it. Of course you can tell that the diploma was already made out in her name so I think she would have graduated by default. She was so good though.

Her test consisted of sit, release, back to a sit command, leave it, followed by a stay command for 10 seconds.

I'm pretty sure that a few days later she will have forgotten everything that she learned. Oh well, there is always summer school.

Friday, June 6, 2014


From the photos below you would think that I'd either be moving offices or I'd be leaving the company. WRONG!!

They are changing the carpet in all the offices at work so that they look uniformed. I honestly didn't have any problems with the carpet before. Hopefully everything that you see here will stay in it's place when they lift the furniture to put down the new carpet.

We will see Monday morning. Fingers crossed.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Keep Hydrated!

Would you say that you drink enough water everyday?

Are you feeling weak or unhealthy?

Water is the most important thing you can drink everyday. I think that I drink enough water every day. Not the required 8 glasses of water but my fair share. Sometimes I feel like I'm having a sharp pain in my side or back where my kidneys are so I wonder if it's because I'm not drinking enough. My dad drinks a big jug of it all the time.

I think everyone should take care of themselves and drink as much water as possible. I know a soda or juice tastes really good on a hot day but substitute it for water sometimes if you can.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Food?!? Where?!?

For the past almost 6 months that I have been at WSB-TV, I have been bombarded with food offerings on many occasions. It is so funny. There is always some reason for their to be free food somewhere in the building. I feel bad sometimes because I'm not really hungry but will eat it just because it's free. Sometimes it seems like people think something is wrong with me because I will refuse to eat it. I just got to work! Or I brought my own lunch!

It doesn't even have to be a special occasion. Today they catered food from Rising Roll Gourmet. SOO GOOOD!!! The occasion was the quarterly birthday and anniversaries celebration. I didn't have a birthday but I will celebrate yours!!

More gigantic cookies please!!! I love my job!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Trees were there one day and now they are gone! Came home today and noticed that these 3 big leyland cypress trees that were used as a divider between our house and the neighbors' had been taken down! It was kind of shocking at first because the wifey and I were wondering who they belonged to.  We wanted to have them trimmed months ago, actually years ago, but were unsure who they belonged to. They just get too big and they also draw bugs. The neighbors seemed to assume they were theirs and decided just to remove them without asking. No more privacy between the houses but honestly it doesn't matter. They were too big anyways. It just seems weird now.

Howdy neighbors! Now you can tell someone needs a major powerwash!!!

Monday, June 2, 2014

E3 is coming!!!


With me being the geek that I am, there are 4 major days of the year that I get very excited for. My birthday, WWE Royal Rumble, WWE Wrestlemania and E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo). E3 is something for me to get excited about for the news of the upcoming game year. I'm a huge video gamer as you may have read in my previous blogs. E3 is when I get to sit back and see/listen (and drool over) all the video game news from the industry developers/CEOs to see what they have planned for me.

Sony has always been number one for me as a fanboy but I enjoy seeing what the other competitors (Microsoft and Nintendo) have in store. E3 is right around the corner and I can't wait to see what's coming. Last year was the announcement of Playstation 4 and XBOX One so this year should all be about games!

What will be coming? I already heard about a new Mortal Kombat X game today. Giddity!! I need to hurry up and finish playing the 10 games I'm working on now! I'm gonna be broke soon!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Nothing to say.....

Today was kind of a lazy day for me. I didn't really have much to say or take any photos today. I just did my X-Men Days of Future Past review. Maybe you should take a look at that.

X-Men Days of Future Past review